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Entirely written and illustrated by AI, A Gorilla’s Guide to Health Data Sharing explains the importance of sharing health data, the rules that govern data exchange, and the benefits for the healthcare system — all in a jungle-themed picture book that kids will love.
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In a world not unlike ours, yet ruled by wise gorillas, a treasure most precious was kept.

This treasure, called Health Data, contained valuable information on the health of all beings on Planet Gorilla.

Each gorilla tribe had a Healing Hut, where this valuable data was stored.

But, health data was confined, isolated within the Healing Hut of each tribe.

The Gorilla Healers yearned to share this treasure to learn from each other and to better help their tribe members.

However, they knew not how to do so without risking the safety and privacy of their fellow gorillas.

The Great Silverback, known for his wisdom and kindness, summoned the wisest gorillas of the land.

These Data Guardians were tasked with finding a safe way to share Health Data.

Many moons passed as they pondered, discussed, and experimented.

At last, the Data Guardians created a set of rules to safely share data across the healing huts.

Rule 1: Principle of Treatment
Health Data can be shared for treatment, helping to heal gorillas across tribes.

Rule 2: Principle of Individual Access
Health Data can be accessed by individual gorillas to understand their own health.

Rule 3: Principle of Payment
Health Data can be used for payment purposes, ensuring healers are rewarded for their time caring for gorillas.

Rule 4: Principle of Operations
Health Data can be used to keep Healing Huts running smoothly.

Rule 5: Principle of Public Health
Health Data can protect the wellbeing of every gorilla on Planet Gorilla.

Rule 6: Principle of Public Benefits Determination
Health Data can be used for public benefits, ensuring fair resource distribution.

These six rules were engraved on a mighty tree trunk, the Tree of Health Data Sharing.

The Great Silverback, pleased with the work of the Data Guardians, endorsed the Tree.

He sent his trusted scouts throughout Planet Gorilla to spread the news of these new rules.

And thus, the Rules for Health Data Sharing came to be.

With the six rules, Gorilla Healers could share their health data safely and for the good of all.

Now, Gorilla Healers had the information they needed to deliver the best care for their tribes.

The gorillas lived in a realm that valued and protected its most precious treasure – Health Data.

They knew the tale of the Tree of Health Data Sharing by heart, understanding its importance.

And so, they lived, ever after, on Planet Gorilla that cherished its Health Data, using it wisely for the betterment of all.
Download the free ebook.
Entirely written and illustrated by AI, A Gorilla’s Guide to Health Data Sharing explains the importance of sharing health data, the rules that govern data exchange, and the benefits for the healthcare system, in a jungle-themed picture book that kids will love.
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