White papers

The State of Patient Privacy
The State of Patient Privacy is a comprehensive survey-based report about the patient perspective on health information sharing.
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2023 State of Interoperability
A first-of-its-kind, comprehensive look at how decision-makers in healthcare are thinking about patient data access, clinical data exchange, data quality, and new interoperability regulations going into 2023.
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White Paper
The California DxF and the Role of QHIOs for Payers
With California's healthcare landscape poised for a monumental shift, payers that do business in the Golden State are being given an opportunity to improve care coordination and member outcomes — but that is not all. By embracing the opportunities presented by this new framework, payers can not only meet the regulatory demands but also drive forward their strategic objectives, ultimately leading to a more efficient, effective, and patient-centered healthcare system.
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White Paper
The TEFCA Effect: How QHINs Will Boost Interoperability for EHRs and Benefit Patients
EHRs will have much to gain from the implementation of TEFCA. Those who opt to join a QHIN will benefit from access to complete records from a vast network of high-quality organizations – all working together to deliver the data needed to identify care gaps and make better treatment decisions. Read about these advantages and find out how patients, providers, payers, and public health will all reap the benefits. 
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White Paper
Interoperability and Payers — A Recipe for Impactful Preventative Care
As an aging population, increased reimbursements from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the continued push for value-based care drive payers into the care delivery space, interoperability is one of the biggest challenges payviders face. Learn how the seamless exchange of actionable data to increase quality metrics, membership, and reimbursement for payers makes impactful preventative care possible.
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White Paper
What to Look for in an Interoperability Platform
In an increasingly complex, disparate, and disconnected healthcare environment, choosing the right solution for your medical data needs is key. And all interoperability platforms are not created equal.  You need a way to collect and exchange data reliably and accurately, and to get actionable information that drives improvement in clinical and operational outcomes. Read our guide on what to take into consideration when shopping for a vendor.
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